If you want to feel better about yourself and your life, turn off the TV
I used to wake up in the morning and the first thing I would do is to turn on the TV to watch the news or hear the news while I was getting dressed. I remember doing this specifically to get the weather report, so I could figure out what to wear. I would also turn on the TV as soon as I got home from work, once again to hear the news or have the voice of the TV on as habit.
What I realized was that I was receiving so many messages about fear and negative messages about my appearance and health that didn't serve me in any way to be happy and have a positive day.
First of all, the news stories are all about who died, who got killed, who died in a fire, or car accident, who got raped, who got mugged, who got abused, what disease is on the loose and how I need to protect myself from it, etc. This is a terrifying way to start your day or spend your day. And if you question yourself: Do you really need to know these things? Will this information make your life better? Can you really do anything productive with this information?
Second, the commercials are try convincing you that there is something wrong with you, so you will spend money to get their products to fix your imperfect self. Make up companies want you to feel colorless. Diet product and weight loss surgery companies want you feel miserable about your body. Pharmaceutical companies want to convince you there is a pill to solve any disease, and make you afraid of dying. Lawyers want you to be afraid of debt, car accidents, and going to jail. Life insurance companies want you to be afraid of dying and leaving your family destitute.
You don't need to be bombarded with all these negative messages. Choose to use your mind to think about all the positive things you desire. Use your mind to tap into your creativity and create art, music, and writing. Meditate or pray and connect with the Divine Source. Our mind and spirit are the creators of our reality in connection with the Divine Source. If you connect to the positive energy of the universe, you will see the world around you begin to change and become fun, adventurous, and happy.
I invite you to do an experiment the next time you watch TV. Track how many fear and negative messages you see and hear in a period of 10 minutes. See if what I wrote about the negative messages resonates with you, and then take back your power and use your mind and spirit to create a
happy, safe, and beautiful day.